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пятница, 18 февраля 2022
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суббота, 12 февраля 2022
19:16 Anne Hathaway's Former PT Just Shared Her Complete
Anne Hathaway's Former PT Just Shared Her Complete


Exercise Plan—Here Are The 10 Things She Swears By

Anne Hathaway became an icon for her role in The Devil Wears Prada, and in true Andy Sachs-grafts-for-what-she-gets style, she goes hard in the gym when it’s needed. While prepping for a movie, she recruits a PT and switches up her routine almost entirely: ‘It’s a completely different story when I’m working on a film,’ she told Shape.


But, we’re sure you’ll agree, she’s one of those celebs who seem to have endless energy and *that* glow all year round, so we were keen to do some digging into exactly what she does, filming or no filming.


First, we caught up with celeb PT Ramona Braganza, who previously trained Anne for her role in Get Smart, then Rachel Getting Married, and for the two months prior to Anne’s Oscar appearance in 2009.


Much to our delight, she’s got quite a few simple tips that gave Anne, and could give you, an instant boost (both mentally and physically).




1. Work out in the morning


‘Each week of workouts with Anne ahead of the Oscars would include five days of 1-hour workouts in the morning,’ Ramona tells us.


Now, before we go any further, morning workouts aren’t for everyone, but if you do find you have some extra time in the AM and you aren’t the kind that struggles to form a proper sentence before 11am, then getting moving first thing can give you a solid confidence boost to go about your day, thanks to the endorphins (happy hormones) that come from exercise. Plus, it means your workout is out of the way, and you can focus on the other tasks on your to-do list – a no-brainer for Anne and her busy schedule.


2. Use music

It’s not news, but music can be seriously motivational, and Anne agrees. ‘For most actresses, training in a gym can be monotonous, so we’d use music during workouts,’ Ramona explains. Turn it up, we say (unless you’re smashing a home workout and your neighbours are in).


3. Make warm-ups fun

Think of a warm-up and chances are the first thing that comes to mind is boring static stretches, right? Well, that needn’t be the case. ‘We often warmed up by doing sun salutations,’ Ramona says of her workouts with Anne. ‘Or a dance warm-up. I enjoy leading as I have a background as an NFL cheerleader which helps.’ Sounds like our kinda warm-up.


4. Go hard for a quick confidence fix


We’re never one for quick fixes in the diet/workout sense (#SustainabilityForTheWin), but when it comes to confidence ahead of a special occasion, going the extra mile in the gym can work wonders. ‘On the day of the Oscars, we pushed for a big pump for Anne since it helped her mental state,’ Ramona explains. ‘Confidence comes from within and when you feel your muscles contract, or even if you’re just a little sore, then you’re more aware of your posture, too.’ In turn, you’ll find yourself standing taller and, thus, come across and feel more self-assured.


5. Always rest


You’re probably bored to tears of us telling you this, but even Anne does it. ‘Rest days are so important,’ Ramona begins. ‘When we trained for Anne’s two films, we made sure she took at least one day a week off for recovery.’


You know how tedious it got to look at the same four walls during lockdown? The same feeling goes for where you work out, too. You’re probably not going to look forward to exercise if you only ever do it at the same spot in your local gym, and Ramona would make sure that wasn’t the case for Anne.


‘Going for walks are always included in my clients’ programmes, since it’s important to have a nice break from indoor training,’ she says.


There are so many walking benefits, too, from heart health, to a calmer mind.


7. Stack up on snacks


Anne never went hungry, and a lot of that comes down to regular snacking. ‘Often my clients are very knowledgeable on nutrition,’ Ramona tells us. ‘A go-to snack for many while working on set would be bags of popcorn.’ Tasty and cheap – count us in.


8. Incorporate all kinds of training

Balance is almost always best. Fact. Unless you’re aiming for a specific performance-based goal (i.e. bodybuilding/running a marathon/swimming the channel – you know, the casual things), then a combo of cardio and strength training is typically better, and that’s what Anne did. ‘We’d use my 321 Training Method,’ Ramona tells us. ‘It involves cardio, circuit and core work, using resistance tools to achieve strength. For Anne in particular, we worked on her arms to accentuate her back and support her posture while wearing a gown at the Oscars.’


No doubt these are all tips Anne still uses to this day, but she’s since become a mother, there are some other useful things she’s said about her opinion on exercise.


9. Motherhood puts things into perspective


Giving birth is no mean feat, as we all know, and so much so that Anne told People exercising feels easier since she had her son. ‘I find that my workout is really different now because I gave birth,’ she said. ‘I feel like doing burpees now after having a baby is zero big deal.’


10. Do what feels good


Anne knows comparison is BS, and she doesn’t try and take on habits that don’t suit her. ‘I'm not a natural wellness warrior. I have friends who go to longevity conventions. They take crystal baths. For me, I try to make it to yoga three or four times a week,’ she told Shape.

суббота, 05 февраля 2022
09:40 17 Women Share Their Best Tips For Getting Motivated To Work Out
17 Women Share Their Best Tips For Getting Motivated To Work Out


Working out is hard as hell—even before you hit the gym. Sometimes the best intentions, like setting an early alarm or packing sneakers in your work bag, won't be enough to get you psyched about the grueling training session you've got planned. The truth is that every day won't feel like a fitness fairytale, so don't be so hard on yourself. Plus, it's totally fine to skip the occasional workout. In fact taking extra time to recover may help you reach your fitness goal faster (hi foam roller!).





But before you hit snooze or head to happy hour with sweat-free gym gear, think about whether you're skipping one session or playing fitness hooky on the reg. It's called working out for a reason—you have to show up and do something in order to see results. If you need a little inspiration before you get your fitness on, try these 17 ways real women motivate themselves to get #UpNOut.


1. Write down your goals and look at that list often.


"I’m always fighting the battle of immediate versus long-term gratification, so I try to find ways to immediately remind myself of the long-term plan by writing little messages on my wrist. It can be anything from '4-8,' because I believe it takes four to eight weeks for results of working out regularly to show, to 'thank you,' which is a reminder that I’ll thank myself later if I stick with my plan.


2. Create a buddy system with your BFF (even if you don't actually work out together).


I’ve found that motivating myself to work out usually has to come from a positive place instead of a negative place. My best friend and I have a shared private fitness board on Pinterest for when we need extra motivation. My friend is way better at updating it than me, but it’s super motivating, especially because I tend to work out alone. I can check our board and still feel like I have someone keeping me accountable.


3. Plan your workout schedule in advance.


My week fills up quickly with events for work, drinks with friends, and other miscellaneous activities, so every Sunday I set aside 30 minutes to plan my workout schedule—and that includes booking spots in whatever classes I want to take. Then I write (yes, write!) the workouts in my planner. Once something is added to my calendar I consider it a non-negotiable—I have to go!” –Bari, 29


4. Have a killer playlist ready to go.

"To motivate myself to work out, I make playlists I know I will want to run to. My go-to running songs are mostly DJs like Swedish House Mafia, Alesso, and Audien, but I never forget the fitness classics, like 'Run The World (Girls)' by Beyoncé and 'Sexy Back' by Justin Timberlake." —Emily, 23


5. Embrace your competitive side, if you've got it.


"I love CrossFit! I love the competitiveness of it and I always get a great workout. I played soccer at the collegiate level at the University of Texas at Dallas, which is why I still have that urge to compete. And at the end of the day, I have so much energy to burn!" —Alissa, 22


6. Plan your gym time around your favorite TV show.

"If I feel like it's a treadmill-heavy day, I align my workout with when Law & Order is on TV—it gets me to walk, jog, or run for an entire hour and not even notice the time! I walk when it's playing, and I jog or run during commercials." —Jocelyn, 22


7. Tailor your workouts to fit your mood.

"I base my workouts on my mood. So if I feel like I’ve been pent up inside all day, I might focus on cardio or do an outdoor run. If I have zero energy, I’ll plan a relaxing session that focuses on stretching and foam rolling with some easy flexibility moves on a mat. If I’m feeling like a beast, I’ll do a heavy plyometrics or strength training. I do whatever I know will put me or keep me in a good mood! It’s a more therapeutic experience that way, and that keeps me motivated." —Val, 31


8. And listen to artists that inspire you to move.


"My workout motivation is listening to Beyoncé. She works hard, so I try to channel her work ethic." —Alexis, 27


9. Watch a music video while you put on your workout clothes.

"Sometimes when I watch music videos of amazing women like Rihanna, Shakira, and Beyoncé, it inspires me to work out. Sure, they look great, and I know it’s not realistic for me to ever look like that. But seeing how confident they are makes me want some of that confidence too, and I know working out and feeling stronger is one of the best ways to get it." —Zahra, 26


10. Keep a specific goal in mind.

"Having a goal helps. I'm training for a half-marathon, so when I'm not feeling motivated to run, I just think about how good it will be to eventually cross that finish line." —Kirsten, 25


11. And stay on track by following a specific program.


"I ran my first half-marathon in September 2012, and I seriously loved being on a training schedule. To this day I use the Nike Training Club app and set it on a running training schedule, even if I don't have a race planned. It's a good way to keep track of mileage while at the same time feeling good about accomplishing a goal!" —Madison, 23


12. Consider working with a personal trainer every once in a while to stay accountable.

"The thing that finally got me to the gym was hiring a personal trainer. It sounds ridiculous and excessive for some, but having that one-on-one scheduled time made me accountable to someone else and corrected my workout mistakes." —Caitlyn, 23


13. Wear a fitness tracker (and don't forget to keep it charged!).


"What motivates me to work out most is my Fitbit. Recently, I've been using the challenges feature to compete against my friends during the work week, and it's surprisingly motivating! Instead of letting myself watch Netflix on my couch, I make myself go to the gym so I can watch shows on my iPad while I'm on the treadmill or the elliptical." —Valirie, 23


14. Put your money where your sweat is and book a non-refundable workout class.

"When I'm already feeling a little flaky about the gym workout I have planned, I book my favorite Pilates class or sign up for FlyWheel instead. This works especially well when I'm struggling to drag myself out of bed for an early-morning workout, because there's no sense in throwing away $25 to $35 for a no-show." —Alexa, 23


15. And use your alarm clock to get physically #UpNOut.

"I set my alarm for 5 A.M. on days that I work out. My alarm clock is across the room, away from my bed, so I have to physically get up to turn my alarm off. Once I’m on my feet, it’s so hard to fall back asleep. And since I'm up, I might as well make it to gym!"—Cheryl, 31


16. Think of a morning workout as a way to set your day in the right direction.


"For me, working out is a huge part of my mental health. Working out is a way of releasing energy and frustration. It’s cliché, but so true that I never regret a workout. Plus, working out in the morning gets my whole day going in the right direction and I feel like I make better health decisions when I start my day with a sweat." —Leslie, 23


17. And most importantly, consider it "you" time.

"If I find myself stressed because I don't have time for a workout, I think about how this one-hour indoor cycling class or 30-minute run is my mental vacation, a chance to breathe and step back from my busy day. I try to turn it into a treat rather than a chore. This helps me show up, work hard, and focus on the workout—rather than count down the minutes left." —Haley, 24


четверг, 03 февраля 2022
07:43 7 Exercises that Build the Most Attractive Female Bodies
7 Exercises that Build the Most Attractive Female Bodies


More women are strength training now than ever before, and this can only be seen as a good thing! More and more women are now wising up to the fact that to get a sexy and lean body, lifting weights is the way forward!


Gone are the days of ladies thinking that lifting weights means they will get big, bulky, and masculine figures and so it is now a common occurrence to see women in the free weights section, lifting to lose weight and get healthy!


Women picking up weights is a great thing but just as with men, there can sometimes be a lack of knowledge on what exercises are best for what area, and how to best achieve the goals you are looking for.


7 exercises that will sculpt and define a strong, athletic, lean and ultimately attractive female body.

1. The Squat

The squat is the big daddy (or mommy) of compound lifting movements and works pretty much every muscle in the lower body, especially the glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps. This move strips away fat from the legs, builds lean muscle and yes, gives you that peachy pert bum that many strive to attain.


The barbell front squat is a great exercise for overall strength training and can easily be modified depending on your current strength level, as well as giving you a great progress measure as you gradually increase the weight to beat your 1 rep max of the barbell squat.$N/1




A must do exercise if you’re looking to build a lean and attractive female body, introduce the squat and see the results for yourself!


2. Push-ups

Another fantastic staple exercise of any workout regime, the push-up is a good all-around exercise for working the upper body focusing on the chest, shoulders, and triceps. This gives you that overall lean look as well as working the abdominals and giving you a sexy flat stomach.


Again, this exercise has many variations depending on your current fitness level or strength level so for an extra push, try Archer push-ups to further strip away the fat and banish the bingo wings!


3. The Plank

Want a washboard stomach and rippling abs? The plank is a must do exercise for stripping away abdominal fat, as well as building a strong core which can help protect the spine and reduce the risk of injury.


The best thing about the plank? It requires no equipment and can be built up over time to increase your time holding the plank as a measure of your fitness.


Can you only hold the plank for 30 seconds? Next time try 35 or 40 seconds. It is easily measurable regarding success and progression, and the perfect exercise to get a lean and attractive body.


4. Dumbbell Shoulder Press

This move is perfect for sculpting strong, sexy and toned arms and requires only a set of dumbbells to complete. Working predominantly the shoulders, as well as the triceps if you’re looking for strong, lean and sexy the shoulder press is definitely a move to incorporate into your workout regime.


As your strength increases, increase the weight of the dumbbells to strip extra fat and give yourself measurable progression.


Looking to cut stubborn fat and define your figure? Check out our list of top fat burners for women!


5. Pull-ups

Not only does a pull-up look pretty cool to do, but it is also a great exercise to do for working the lats, biceps and middle back, requiring only your body weight to complete.


The pull up also engages your core muscles giving your abs a workout and stripping fat from the belly, so this move is perfect for those looking to lose some weight and tone up their upper body!


As you progress try increasing the number of reps, or if you’re feeling brave, try weighted pull-ups instead!


6. Dips

The good old triceps burner! This move is a killer with high repetitions and strips fat away from the triceps as well as working the chest and shoulders. If you’re looking to build lean muscle and increase your overall strength or stamina, dips are a great compound exercise to include in your workout! Increasing the reps and pushing yourself each time gives you a great benchmark of success that is easily measurable.


7. Bent-over Barbell Row

Perfect for working the middle back, as well as the biceps, lats and shoulders, this exercise is fantastic for burning fat and building lean muscle. This leads to the muscular and athletic physique many women aspire towards as well as developing fantastic functional strength!


A Word on Intensity

Simply put, training with heavy weights and the right exercises is the best way to get aesthetic results and develop an attractive female body. Big compound movements require a lot of muscle mass to lift and so should be the basis of your workout.


Push yourself to the point where you feel you could have done only one more rep which will stimulate muscle growth and drive you into the fat burning zone. Gone are the days of lifting light weights in the hope of toning and increasing muscle.


It’s not time to lift big or go home! Build it up, know your limits and push for that enviable and attractive female physique, hitting all the major muscle groups with good form and correct weight. Good luck!


Luke is a fitness junkie, personal trainer, and blogger. He’s passionate about living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a strong and well-rounded physique. Health and fitness has been a life long passion for Luke and he hopes to continue to help better other peoples lives through his writing. Check out more of his work at StrengthAuthority

вторник, 18 января 2022
17:31 Hip Dips: Why You Get Them & Why They're Really Not a Bad Thing
Hip Dips: Why You Get Them & Why They're Really Not a Bad Thing


Hip dips (the BS rhyming buzzterm given to those gentle inward curves found below your hips and above your thighs) are the latest body part the internet seems to be making people feel bad about.


According to Google data, the interest in 'hip dips' or 'violin hips' have doubled in a month, as well as being searched 40% more regularly than last year.



So, what's caused this hip dip hype? Quelle surprise, it's mainly social media-based; one of many non-problematic parts of a healthy body, like not having a thigh gap, a thighbrow, those two lower back dimples (... we know, the list is endless), that are highlighted and shamed within the toxic diet and body shaming culture.


Your hip dips may be pronounced or they may be subtle or they may be non-existent to the naked eye, but if you’ve found yourself typing 'how to get rid of hip dips' or 'exercises for hip dips', you are not alone. But, fortunately, you're in the right place now to get some accurate expert advice.


So, before you go trying to switch up your lower body workout or frantically looking for the best exercises for a bigger butt – slowww your roll, sister. We're going to walk you through everything you need to know, with the help of David Wiener, training specialist for the Freeletics fitness app.


What are hip dips?

‘Hip dips are naturally occurring, inward curves,’ says Wiener. Naturally occurring.


What causes hip dips?

‘Hip dips are caused by the shape of your pelvis. Although not everyone will have noticeable hip dips, if reduced to a skeleton, all of us would have an indentation where the hip bone meets the top of the thigh. Hip dips are a normal part of your body’s structure,' he explains. And we'll say it louder for the people in the back: Hip dips are a normal part of your body’s structure.


Are hip dips good or bad?

A common misconception is that hip dips (or a lack of hip dips) are a sign of how healthy you are. However, as we've said, hip dips are associated with the shape of your bones. Something, it won't surprise you to know, cannot be changed.


Because of the variation in pelvis shapes, your hips may look different from someone else's — and that includes your hip dips, too.


Are hip dips normal?

‘Hip dips are not a sign of being healthy, unhealthy, overweight or underweight,’ says Wiener. ‘Although the amount of body fat you have can make hip dips more noticeable and can be the result of having a higher level of muscle mass, it’s important to remember that hip dips are a part of your bone structure and, while you can enhance your body shape through exercise and diet, you cannot change your bone structure.’


So, tempted by any of those 'how to lose hip dips in a week'-type videos? Scroll on, it's just clickbait.


Hip dips vs. love handles

Much higher than hip dips, 'love handles' (see also: muffin top... WHO comes up with these names?), as they're so fondly known, is a term referring to fat located on the sides of the abdomen and are not related to your bone structure. They can be linked to genetics, which dictates where we store fat it in the body.


Is it possible to get rid of hip dips?

While exercising to build muscle mass and lose body fat can help minimise their appearance, it won’t make them completely go away. That's something to make peace with. What you can do is focus on exercises that work multiple lower body muscle groups (like squats and lunges) and sub in isolation exercises (e.g. fire hydrants and clams) where necessary.


However, make sure you focus on strengthening your entire lower body – not just zeroing in on your glutes. There's more to life than hip dips and that's true for your fitness, as well.


Final word: should you worry about hip dips?

In a word: no.


And, in three: no, heck, no.


‘Obsessing over any part of your body, especially those which cannot be changed, is potentially very damaging to your health,’ says Wiener. ‘It’s important for women to try to love their bodies, rather than being continually determined to change them.’


How to get rid of hip fat: 8 exercises to minimise hip dips

Though it's not recommended to target just one body part if you have checked in with your overall body fat levels and want to decrease your body fat percentage then exercise can help with this.


For a great lower body focused session to tone your hips, thighs, abdominals and glutes, add the following exercises into your home workout routine:


1. Squats


a) Standing with feet hip-width apart hinge at the knees to come into a squat position – making sure your knees track over your toes and don't extend past.


b) With the weight in your heels push back up to standing, squeezing your glutes at the top.


2. Hip abduction


a) Lying on your side, use your top arm to support your upper body by placing it in front of your chest.


b) Keep your upper body and core as still and engaged as possible and raise your top leg towards the ceiling.


c) Lower back down – with control – and repeat.


3. Glute bridges


a) Laying on your back, bring your heels up the mat so they are a few inches away from your bum, knees pointing upwards.


b) Take your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart with toes pointing outwards and make sure your knees are pushing outwards to engage your abductors (side glutes).


c) Thrust your pelvis up towards the ceiling, making sure your upper back stays on the floor, and the driving force of the movement is only from the waist down.


d) Once you reach the top, squeeze your glutes. Try and keep them engaged throughout the whole movement. Lower and repeat.


4. Clams



a) Start by laying down on the ground on your side. Pop your head onto the arm that's on the ground. Start by moving your hips up to a 45-degree angle and your knees to a 90-degree angle.


b) Push your knee away from your core, but keep your feet pressed together.


c) Pause when you get to the top of the move, clenching your glutes and ab muscles, and return to the ground. Repeat.


5. Fire hydrants


a) Start on all-fours in a tabletop position, ensure your core is engaged and your back stays straight.


b) Keeping your legs at a 90-degree angle, raise one leg until it is in line with your hip. Drive the leg up with the knee, and ensure the foot and the knee are in-line throughout the whole movement.


c) Engage both glutes to ensure the hips stay square and centred.


d) If you feel too much movement through your upper body, bring your hands slightly to one side (the side of the planted leg) for more stability. Repeat.


6. Glute rainbows


a) Come onto all fours on your mat. Raise your left leg and extend it straight behind you.


b) Moving in an arc-motion and keeping your leg level with your body sweep it behind and across your right leg. Then, sweep it back past your starting position to a lateral position with your left hip. Return to centre and repeat on the other leg.


7. Side lung


a) Standing at the top of your mat with your feet together, engage your core and lunge laterally, pushing your bum out behind you and keeping your upper back flat.


b) Push through the heel of your lunging foot and repeat.


8. Curtsy lunge


a) Standing with your feet hip-width apart lunge backwards, crossing your lunging leg over to the opposite side. You'll arrive in a deep curtsy position.


b) Drive through the heel of your front foot to return to your starting position. Repeat.

воскресенье, 16 января 2022
22:24 Skin and Stress: Are You Breaking out This Autumn?
Skin and Stress: Are You Breaking out This Autumn?\


While breakouts are something we all have to deal with from time to time, they're still not ideal.


If the return to the office commute, busier social schedule and re-entry to 'normal' life resumes again has meant you've been greeted with an angry face full of cystic zits, you're not alone.


You might be wondering what gives, here. Well, know that when it comes to your skin and stress, there is a very real relationship between the two (ever gone through a hardcore time at work, gone to the loo to get yourself together and looked into the harshly lit mirror only to discover that you've broken out, to boot?)


It's the same, here. While the majority of us are thankful that life is becoming more normal again, the change in our routine can be stressful and flare up bouts of anxiety and uncertainty. Added stress = blemishes. Drat.


Your skin and stress: what's going on?

'A stressful event leads to a physiological response in the body which we call the ‘flight or fight response’ – it prepares our bodies to flee from danger,' Dr Stephanie Munn, Clinical Lead for Dermatology, Bupa Health Clinics, previously explained to WH.


So, how does that play into your face? 'The stress hormones cause the release of chemicals which increase blood flow to the skin. This can trigger both rashes and redness, while the same hormones can lead to breakouts.'


But that's not all, kids. 'Furthermore, stress alters our immune responses, which can trigger some skin conditions,' (think rosacea and eczema).


If you're one of the one in 20 people who deals with picking the skin on your face (or dermatillomania, to use the medical term) then stress can trigger your chances of a resurgence.


And then, there's the lifestyle results that stress can can cause. 'We tend to sleep badly and eat less well when we are under pressure, often turning to alcohol and sugary foods, which can have an impact on the skin too,' says Dr Munn. It's indirect, but certainly significant.


Keep scrolling for our full conversation about stress and your skin with Munn.


WH: A lot of people think that their acne gets worse in times of stress. Is there any truth to this?


DM: Yes, this is true. Cortisol and androgens – the stress hormones – can lead to blocked pores, which is a contributing factor to acne-prone skin. Bacteria living in human skin feeds off the oily substance sebum, which is created by these hormones, and is a key factor in acne flaring up.


WH: Say someone doesn't have acne – can stress still trigger spots?


Yes – stress can produce hormones which make the skin oily and make it more prone to breakouts.


WH: And what about when stress causes someone’s rosacea to flare up – what’s going on there?


DM: Stress causes emotion and this is proven to trigger rosacea flare-ups through dilatation of the blood vessels in the skin – triggering flare-ups just as easily as common physical factors like alcohol.


Chronic stress causes the body to overreact, which can lead to chemical and physical changes within the body.


For those with rosacea, physical symptoms of stress may occur because rosacea is linked to abnormal chemical reactions in the skin.


WH: And what about the relationship between stress and eczema and psoriasis?


It’s been well researched that eczema and psoriasis flare up during times of stress. If you’ve noticed a flare-up before a big meeting or presentation at work, or right before something else you may find stressful, it’s no coincidence.


If you’re tense, your body tries to protect your skin by boosting inflammation. If you already have inflammation because of eczema or psoriasis, this will make symptoms worse.


WH: More generally, how can a hum of low level stress – say, a demanding job – impact your skin?


Because that stress can weaken your immune system. Your immune system protects your body from infection and viruses, and your skin plays a vital role in this. The skin acts as a defence mechanism and a physical barrier between your bloodstream and antigens.


When your immune system is weakened, it can make your skin more vulnerable to infection with bacteria which can cause pustules and boils. These include viruses like cold sores and yeast infections such as candida or thrush.


Our bodies live in harmony with several organisms, [think about all of those bacteria doing their thing in your gut] but when we become chronically stressed this can become unbalanced, leading to over growth of yeasts and bacteria – some of which cause skin disease including dandruff.


WH: How would you recommend that someone tries to mitigate stress-induced acne, rosacea, eczema and psoriasis?


The key is to try to manage your stress and understand better what may be causing you to feel stressed or anxious:


Good ways of easing flare-ups linked to stress are practising relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga and deep breathing.

Regular exercise is also good for your skin and the rest of your body as it releases endorphins or the so called ‘happy hormones’.

Getting outside for a long walk is also good for you as sunshine has a positive effect on mood.

Drinking plenty of water, cutting back on alcohol and getting a good night’s sleep are all important for the skin as well.

Vitamin D supplements in the winter months (10mcg daily) can help fatigue, mood and boosts the immune system. Getting outside in the sunshine also helps us make our own vitamin D and helps overall wellbeing.


WH: Aside from relaxing, are there any products that can help to mitigate the impact of stress on your skin?


Use oil-free products, remove any make up before going to bed and use an over-the-counter acne product. If it doesn’t settle down, ask your GP for advice.


четверг, 13 января 2022
15:07 How To Lose Body Fat in a Healthy, Sustainable Way – Your Full Guide
How To Lose Body Fat in a Healthy, Sustainable Way – Your Full Guide


When it comes to learning how to lose body fat, information overload is a real thing. One diet suggests drastically cutting calories whilst another says to go HAM on heavy gym workouts and guzzle protein powder. (Both approaches are to be swerved, by the way. A balanced method will always be the most sustainable.)


You see, a survey of WH readers revealed their main health goal is to lose body fat, so we know it’s important to you. Our job is to help you identify the best way to safely lower your body fat percentage to a healthy range without putting your physical or mental health at risk.


So, where to begin? First, we'll remind you why some body fat is necessary and natural and what its function in the body is. Then we'll show you how to figure out if you've got excess body fat to lose before getting into the business of learning how to lose fat, focusing on nutrition, exercise, your menstrual cycle and stress.


Is there anyone who shouldn't try to lose body fat?

Before we go any further, let's get a few things straight. If you are already at a healthy weight and body fat percentage for your height and age, trying to lose body fat is not appropriate. Similarly, if you identify with any of the following categories. Please speak with your doctor at length for more advice:


a child or teenager,

pregnant or breastfeeding,

have an adrenal related medical condition or a chronic disease.


Why is body fat important?

Straight up, we need body fat to function. It's a literal fact of life. PT and wellbeing expert for Healthspan, Nicola Addison, breaks down why.


‘Body fat acts as an energy store for the body. It protects your organs, cushions joints, regulates body temperature and is responsible for the secretion of certain hormones. In short, it helps to keep you alive,' she says.


The fact it helps to regulate certain hormones plays a large part in keeping our menstrual cycles happy and healthy, as well. It's mega important.


However, there is such a thing as too much of anything and excess body fat can be a real health concern. More on this later.


What is a healthy body fat percentage for women?

Body fat is measured by percentage, calculated by how much body fat you have in relation to the rest of your body (bones, water weight, muscle mass etc).


'Every woman is different but, the "healthy" range is 21 – 35%,' explains Catherine Rabess, dietitian and NHS dietetic manager. If you're within these body fat percentages, you're good by medical standards. Anything above 35% and you're at an elevated risk of developing diabetes as well as other conditions such as coronary heart disease.


Why is too much body fat dangerous?

Higher levels of body fat are linked to some pretty gnarly health issues. Visceral fat, the type that surrounds the organs, is the most dangerous and can lead to heart attacks, diabetes, strokes, high blood pressure and osteoarthritis.


What happens when you have too little body fat?

‘You could expect to feel lethargic and irritable, and your monthly cycle could stop,’ says Third Space's Head of Fitness, Katie Morris. Generally in women, a body fat level of lower than 15% can be associated with depleted levels of the hormone leptin, which can, in turn, mess up your menstruation and ability to conceive.


How to measure body fat

There are a few ways to measure your body fat – some more at-home friendly than others. The good news is that most personal trainers can help you determine yours, should you need help.



An old-school method of fat measurement, callipers work by pinching the fat on certain areas of the body (triceps, chest, quad, waist etc) and measuring the thickness of the skinfold.


As we all carry body fat differently, plus the fact genetics, lifestyle and age can cause fat to distribute unevenly, the calliper method can be useful as a precursor to diagnosing certain conditions.


For example, the amount of fat we carry around our waist can increase our risk of serious health ailments such as heart disease, diabetes, strokes and high blood pressure.


However, due to the fact callipers are intrinsically open to human error, many health professionals forgo them, citing their propensity for inaccuracy.


'3D scanners can calculate fat mass, lean mass and bone mass in just 35 seconds in a simple, quick and non-invasive way by capturing millions of data points to digitally measure and track the circumferences of your whole body,' explains Tracy Morrell, UK and Ireland sales director for Styku.


But don't worry, you don't need to shell out tens of thousands for your own. Most national gym chains, such as David Lloyd, F45 and Virgin Active have the high-tech devices installed for members to use.


Smart scales

More realistic and attainable for the average person are bathroom scales. Usually priced around £20 and up, smart scales provide weight readings as well as your body fat, muscle mass, water and bone percentage.


‘The reading will vary according to which software you use,’ says Roar Fitness owner Sarah Lindsay. ‘It’s worth investing in a good set of scales so you can measure any respective changes, but don’t rely on the actual number being 100% accurate.’


Remember, you don't want to be stepping on the scales every day. Use once a week at the same time of day. This will help give you consistency in your tracking.


What's the difference between weight loss and fat loss?

Weight loss takes into account any weight you've lost. This can include water weight and muscle mass, as well as if you've been to the bathroom that day or not. It's a catchall term for the number on the scale going down, without much regard for where it's come from.


Fat loss, however, takes solely body fat into account. This approach is more reliable if you're trying to tone up without losing any muscle mass in the process. Because, who wants to lose weight but also lose strength and functionality, too?


Can you lose fat, fast?

We've tried to weave this theme throughout our advice but, if you need to hear it plain and simple: trying to lose fat fast (and by 'fast' we don't mean efficiently, we mean unsustainably) is not okay.


Which exercises reduce body fat?

The question of whether cardio or weight training is better for fat loss is a debate that's still raging on.


An ongoing bone of contention, many studies on the topic suggest the jury’s still out. A 2013 study by North Carolina researchers found that, of the 234 participants surveyed, those who did aerobic exercise lost more weight than those who strength trained. But 2017 research from Wake Forest University concluded that weight training beats cardio, thanks to its ability to increase muscle mass.


Other findings from Harvard School of Public Health found that even though strength training workouts are more successful than cardio sweat sessions, combining the two had the best effects for fat loss.


The reality is, both have their benefits and should be part of your weekly fitness routine.


Strength training

Regular strength training should be a cornerstone of most fitness routines, regardless of your goal. Because, besides helping to build muscle, the benefits of strength training include lowered cholesterol, improved posture and bone density, decreased risk of injury and better body composition.


Plus, building muscle tissue can help to rev up your metabolism and work to burn fat more efficiently.


‘Increasing your muscle – by resistance training consistently and in the correct way – is going to increase your metabolic rate,’ says Lindsay. This is because more muscle equals a greater basal metabolic rate (BMR) – how many calories you’d burn in a day, without factoring any movement in.


‘To put things simply, the only way to gain muscle is to overload it (commonly referred to as progressive overload). To do that you need to add more weight than your own body. These are results that will last long term because you’ll burn more calories at rest for the entire time you maintain that muscle.’



That’s not to say there’s no fat-loss potential in cardio. ‘If you’re burning "x" calories in a spin class, you’re creating a calorie deficit, which could lead to weight loss if you’re not then eating above that threshold,’ says Lindsay.


Do note though, that working at a high cardiovascular intensity can mean you’re likely to burn muscle or the body’s protein stores, rather than fat, as an energy source.


You’ve heard of the heart rate zones? That’s the range your heart rate should be in to use fat as a fuel source. Generally speaking, this is about 70% of your maximum heart rate (do 220 minus your age to find yours) and it favours low-intensity work.


NEAT exercise

Activity that favours the low-intensity sweet spot is NEAT exercise. A method of movement beloved by PTs, NEAT is how to burn fat and keep your efforts ticking along nicely.

пятница, 17 декабря 2021
22:10 Best Exercises To Help You Succeed With A Muscular And Big Butt
Best Exercises To Help You Succeed With A Muscular And Big Butt


It is not a secret for anyone that every girl is dying to get herself that big butt which is super popular now. The truth is that curvy features have always been the sign of femininity and modern world is not the exception. However, Mother Nature has treated not every one of us in the same way. That is why while some ladies have a curvy booty from the day they were born – the others need to work hard to get there.

On the second thought, it may be not that hard after all if you have a proper guide to follow. Therefore, today we are going to discuss a fair share of exercises, food secrets as well as lifestyle hacks that can help you achieve the goal in the shortest period of time!








The fastest and the safest way to achieve the big butt dream is to start exercising. In case you do not know which exercises to include in the routine – we may have a few of them in mind!

We are going, to begin with, the exercise that will not only help you get it how to get a big butt but will also help you warm up your glutes. Rest assured, it seems so challenging only before you try it. As soon as you get the technique, you will get comfortable with the exercise and the result won’t keep you waiting.


To begin with, you need to lay down.

Set your legs apart.

Now, lift your pelvis up.

Then lower it back to the floor.

Repeat the exercise up to 20 times


The fact is that many of you may lead sedentary ways of living these days that is why this is an effective exercise to include into your how to make your butt bigger routine.


Lie down on the floor

Bend your knees

Make sure that your feet touch the floor.

Raise one leg in the air but keep the other flat on the floor.

Put all the weight onto the foot that touches the floor, primarily on the heel.

Lift the glutes up, exhale while you do so.

Flax and inhale while you reach the top position.

Get back to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise up to 20 times for each leg.


Kneeling Kickback


Gluteus maximus is the largest muscle that your butt has and kneeling kickback is the exercise to trigger it. That is why big butt girls simply love the exercise. Here is how you do it:


Get down on your knees and assume the position you take before starting doing push-ups.

Make sure that your body is well supported by your knees and palms.

Bring your knee to the chest and then kick back.

Make sure that you kick back as high as possible.

Repeat the exercise 10 times and then switch the leg.


When it comes to all the effective butt workouts, almost all of them include lunges. There is a point to that since this is one of the exercises that tones your butt better than any other exercise. Besides, this type of butt exercise allows you to work with additional weight as well.


Stand up straight.

Part your feet so that there is 3-centimeter width between them.

Set one leg forward while bending the other.

Stand up and repeat.

After 10 times you can change the leg.


Big butt women know that the best effect will be achieved if you incorporate different exercises into your routine. They are right, besides there are some exercises that can work on a few areas at once. For instance, side lunge can help you tone up your glutes as well as the inner thighs.


To begin with, stand with your legs apart.

Bend one knee and try to sit.

Switch back to center.

Repeat the same process on the other leg.


In case you wonder how to get a bigger butt with the help of barbell – you have come to the right place. Read the instructions and move forward to the butt of your dream.


Put the barbell on the shoulders.

Get to the squatting position so that your thighs are parallel to the floor.

Keep the position.

Keep the hands in the front to balance yourself.

Lower the squat so that your butt is above your feet.

Squeeze your booty and get back to the standing position.

Repeat up to 10 times.


Another useful exercise for toned thighs and a big butt is a plié squat. Here is how you should do it:


Spread your feet on shoulder width.

Point the toes outwards.

Keep the hands in the front to keep the balance.

Squat as low as to position your buttocks above the feet.

Squeeze your muscles while getting back to the standing position.

Repeat up to 20 times.


In case you think that best butt workouts that suit you should involve weights – we have another exercise in store for you!


Hold the barbell or the dumbbells in front of your thighs.

Make sure that your knees are straight.

Push the hips back and bend forward as you lower the dumbbells.

When your back is parallel to the floor straighten it up and complete the exercise.

Repeat as many times as you can


Of course, some restrictions can keep you away from doing complex exercises. However, that does not mean that there are no simple ones to help you succeed with the goal. Step aerobics can come of help at times like these.


Put a small stand in front of you.

Step up and down at the suitable for yourself pace.

Keep going for about 15 minutes daily for the greatest effect.




We all know that running is useful for your health in general, however, it should be noted that those of you who are dreaming about big butt should introduce it into their workouts that is for sure.



The truth is that no matter how effective the exercises are there is something else to pay attention to. The thing is that working out will be a lot more effective if you balance your diet as well. Therefore, here is what you need to pay attention to when it comes to altering the diet that will help you achieve the booty of your dream.



The truth is that there are many sources of proteins. However, you need to pick the ones that suit you personally. We would like to point it out that food like eggs, low-fat yogurt, fish, turkey, legumes, meat, soy protein, hemp protein, and whey protein is the source of good for you protein.



Contrary to the opinion that all the fats are bad for you, there are in fact good and necessary ones. Fish oil, rice bran oil, avocado, nuts and seeds, oily fish, canola oil, sunflower oil, oily fish, nuts, olive oil, and peanut butter are the sources of good fats you need for your body to function well and to build necessary muscles in wanted areas.



Micronutrient is the fancy name for vitamins and minerals. As you already know, fruits and vegetables are the greatest sources of those. However, you can take vitamin supplements as well.



Another common and misleading thought is that carbs should be excluded from your menu. We say otherwise. The thing is that few carbs are necessary for your body to feel and look great. Sweet potatoes, brown rice, barley, corn, whole grain pasta, wheat bread, apples, potatoes, and grapefruit are the sources of carbs you should better introduce into your menu.


When you think that diet and workout are the only two components you need to get yourself a big butt and perfect body – there is something else you need to keep in mind. The lifestyle. Introduce these two habits into your life and you will observe dramatic changes in a matter of weeks. Sleep pattern First of all, you need to make sure that you get at least 8 hours of sleep daily. Besides, it is best if you go to bed and get up at the same time. What is more, getting up early in the morning will grant you the ability to complete all the other routines as well, such as morning exercising or even preparation of the breakfast. Water Water is life and we are not exaggerating here. The truth is that there are many issues that the consumption of water can help you deal with. That is why make sure that you drink enough of it on a daily basis.


Big butt is the dream that many ladies think cannot be achieved. However, we know a three-component recipe that will help you get the butt of your dream in the shortest period possible. Read on to discover the secret many long for!



среда, 15 декабря 2021
21:12 Why Improving Posture Improves Physical And Mental Health
Why Improving Posture Improves Physical And Mental Health

Form a healthy habit of correcting your posture, it is an easy way to boost overall physical and mental health.

80 percent of Americans struggle with back problems at some point in their life, and having a poor posture is considered to be the most common reason, according to a study at the National Institute of Health.

If poor posture is the leading cause of back problems and pain, then poor habits are the culprit. As you control your habits, it is up to you to prevent back pain by evaluating your posture and working on it.



Folks who spend a lot of time at a desk are at a high risk of continuously having a poor posture but even the way most people look down at their phones is adding stains to their neck and back, according to chiropractors. There are hundreds of reasons to be vigilant about a good posture, not exclusive to your physical health but also mentally.

Good posture affects your physical and mental health and supports mobility through aging.

It is known that having a good posture relieves back pain and stress and prevents more complications with age. As a person gets older, naturally they lose agility, including the strength to maintain good posture. Being aware and building a good posture prolongs mobility with age, according to doctors. Stretching daily also helps to increase flexibility and agility in daily life and for the future.

In addition to your back, having a good posture supports healthy breathing by opening up your chest and respiratory organs. Speaking of opening up, it can also support healthy digestion, according to chiropractors. When you slouch, it presses your organs together in an unnatural way that slows down metabolism.

If you haven't brought much awareness to your posture, go check it out in the mirror and play around with your image. Look at how you stand naturally, and when you correct your posture. When you stand up straight, your body appears taller and more confident, this is an easy way to boost mood. Adjusting your posture is an easy way to build self-confidence around your body image.

Doctors and chiropractors recommend a good posture to be lengthening the spine, that is the crown of the head pushing to the sky and the abdomen pushing up the spine, inward. Keep those abs tight and tuck your bum under your abs, it helps distribute the weight evenly, therefore it doesn't strain one side of your body.

Next, reset the shoulders. For desk sitters, craftspeople, anyone who isn't looking straight ahead, you are probably guilty of the slumped-over shoulders. Push your shoulders back, one hack is to place your elbows at a 90-degree angle, then hold your shoulders in that position.

Don't forget to have a good stance, feet equidistance and thoughtfully disrupt your weight from your toes to your heels. It is a lot to remember all at once if you are creating a new habit, try to set alarms to reset your posture throughout the day until it becomes automatic.

If you are struggling with your posture, it is never too late to start improving today. Maybe setting alarms isn't enough to help you create the habit, so get some help.

Invest in ergonomic tools to support a good posture. Many folks wear a posture brace while working or walking to remind them of a healthy stance. Alternatively, make good posture part of your workout and health routine. Incorporate yoga or stretching that supports a healthy posture into your routine. Yoga will reinforce your new posture with healthy breathing exercises as well.

Other ergonomic options include desks that go from sitting to standing, or computer stands that allow you to be in a standing position. It is much easier to maintain a good posture when you are standing and looking forward to preventing tension in the neck. Being able to look forward at your computer is a long-term investment in avoiding neck and back pain.

The easiest thing everyone can do is look forward instead of down at their phone, while reading, etc. Sleep is also a culprit of bad posture, and a difficult one to correct if you don't have pillows and cushioning to support your posture.

Unfortunately for folks who like sleeping on their stomach, that is causing tension in your back and neck due to head positioning. The best way to sleep, according to spine specialists is on your back and with pillows on each side to support that position.

Add having a good posture to your list of healthy lifestyle choices, it is a commitment to the long hall to decrease back pain. Knowing that the majority of Americans will have back problems, you can do something today to help your body in the future.

воскресенье, 12 декабря 2021
22:23 Rowing Machine A New Workout Trend To Be Aware Of
Rowing Machine A New Workout Trend To Be Aware Of


The truth is that you will not surprise anyone with most of the fitness practices available these days. However, there is a new trend called rowing machine. You may also hear other names such as rower and ergometes, but they stand for the same thing. Why is this device so popular, you may wonder? The fact is that according to the recent researches it tends to help you burn 10-15% more calories than running or cycling. Impressive, isn’t it? That is why people who want to get in shape as soon as possible favor this machine to all the other. All these facts lead us to the thought that it may be quite useful for you to learn all possible information on this new fitness miracle before jumping to a conclusion to give it a try.

Rowing Machine - Newest Trend In The Fitness World

To begin with, it needs to be mentioned why does this machine tend to outshine all the others available. The fact is that for the most part we are used to running or since we have been doing it starting with the time when we were kids. With rowing, it is different because your body is totally unused to such a movement. This new sport is challenging because it triggers all the muscle group in both your upper body as well as in the lower. What is more, this type of workout includes both cardio and physical workout. If you combine these factors together you will get a super powerful machine which will help you trim down your body in no time.

Main Features Of Rowing Machine Workout

If you wish to compare rowing machine workout to all the other cardio exercises you need to keep a few simple things in mind. First of all, rowing can end up in burning up to 800 calories an hour – no other cardio exercise can show such a result. As it has been already mentioned, all the parts of your body participate in the exercise which means that you tone up your upper body, lower body, and core while doing the same exercise. As you can see the answer is quite simple – by far rowing machine is the best machine in terms of successful calories burning process.

What Muscle Groups Are Involved

Before you learn how to use a rowing machine, it is essential to figure out which muscle groups it affects.

The thing is that big push works on your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. These are the leg muscles which are active all the time you push. Since these are the biggest groups, they help you burn the most calories even after you are through with the exercise.

It needs to be pointed out that big pushes also require stabilization and this means that your core muscles are active as well.

Due to the pulling motion, your arms and back muscles are working too.

To sum everything up, it should be said that rowing involves all great muscle groups.

Other Amazing Benefits Of Using Row Machine

Now when you know a little more about the row machine and how it affects your muscles it needs to be pointed out which rowing machine benefits there are. Let’s have a closer look at them:


The cardiovascular benefits keep your lungs and heart healthy.

Total body workout.

Huge number of calories are burnt in the process.

It increases your endurance.

A broad range of motion.

Increased resistance.

Suitable for older adults as well as for people with joints issues.

Improves body flexibility and stamina.

Low risk of injury.


Rowing Machine Exercises

Even though it may seem that all the rowing machine exercises are pretty much the same, it is not true. The fact is that there are few variations you can use to increase the intensity of your workout. We are going to discuss all of them, so read on to learn more.

Basic Rowing

When it comes to rowing machine workouts, not all the people, dare to give them a try due to the insecurity. The fact is that not all the people know how to use the machine properly, that is why we are going to help you out on that. There are three main positions:


The Catch: sit on the machine and bend your knees, place the feet in the hold. Grab the handle in your hands. Tighten your abs and straighten the back.

The Drive: Push with your legs, straighten them so that they are unbent and pull the handle with your arms simultaneously.

The Finish: when your legs are straight, lean back at a 45-degree angle, keep the arm extended and reverse to the original position. As simple as that!


Power Curls

Now, let’s move to another version of rowing workouts. Power curls are the exercise you need when you wish to work on your biceps. However, it affects your core as well. Here is what you need to do:


Repeat the basic rowing exercise three times and hold the Finish position.

Bend your elbows and bring the handle to the chin then uncurl.

Repeat four curls while in finish position.

Repeat the whole exercise up to 8 times.

вторник, 19 октября 2021
19:25 Volumizing shampoo and conditioner – choose lightweight hair products for your fine h
Volumizing shampoo and conditioner – choose lightweight hair products for your fine hair.

Do not apply your conditioner on the scalp – mid-length and ends only. Otherwise, your hair will look greasy in a few hours.
Use a clarifying shampoo once a week to get rid of the build-up.
Apply some mousse to your wet hair before blow-drying it.
Introduce a quality dry shampoo into your routine.
Keep a small bottle of dry shampoo in your purse 24/7.
Soft-hold hairspray is one of your good friends too.
For a more natural full appearance, you can spritz hair fibers into the roots.
Blow-dry to activate all the products you have worked in your hair.
Use the round brush only at the end of the blow-drying routine.
You can always opt for some Velcro rollers to add some volume to the crown.
Styling tips
The less often you shampoo your hair – the better.
Scrunching your hair with conditioner works well for air-drying.
It is always best to spray your products on your hands first and then work them into the hair.
Backcombing at the crown adds height to your hair.
Salon hack
One of the lasting ways to add visual volume to your main is highlighting your tresses.
Another long-lasting volumizing effect will be granted by an in-salon treatment designed for the purpose.
Lastly, use clip-in extensions to boost your volume. You can either purchase them on the web or get them at your hairdresser's.
No matter how good a short hairstyle is, it may not make your hair look thick enough. However, there is a list of things that can, and we are going to share them with you: